Physiotherapy as a therapeutic and restorative tool

Fisioterapia Papa Giovanni Professional practice in Curno specializinig in neurological rehabilitation. We develop treatments based on an inclusive and individualized therapeutic approach.  Physiotherapy as a therapeutic and restorative tool.
Fisioterapia Papa Giovanni is a professional practice specializing in multidisciplinary rehabilitation, characterized by an approach that promotes neuroplasticity and improves body functional level.
Our experience and expertise are aimed at patients with neurological conditions, who require assistance and dedicated paths even in the medium-long term, but also at non-neurological patients who need physiotherapy to recover their physical and motor skills.

trattamenti fisioterapici intensivi
Intensive physiotherapy treatments
To maximize recovery quickly, we offer intensive neurological rehabilitation treatments consisting of sessions lasting a minimum of one and a half hours up to a maximum of four hours per day, for a period of between five and ten days.
The Bobath Concept
The Bobath Concept is an inclusive, individualized therapeutic approach to optimize movement recovery and potential for persons with neurological pathophysiology informed by contemporary movement and neuro-sciences. Intervention focuses on the recovery of typical movement, minimizing atypical and compensatory movement, whilst recognizing that movement problems are influenced by the person’s lived experiences pre and post the neurological lesion. The quality of movement performance is considered with respect to the integration of postural control and selective movement.