
The Practice

Physiotherapy as a therapeutic and restorative tool
Fisioterapia Papa Giovanni is a professional practice specialising in multidisciplinary rehabilitation, characterised in particular by an approach that promotes neuroplasticity and improves body functional level.

Our experience and expertise are particularly focused on patients with neurological conditions, who require dedicated care and pathways also in the medium to long term, as well as to non-neurological patients who need physiotherapy to recover their physical and motor skills. The key word in our approach is always ‘rehabilitation’, and it identifies the work of all our therapists.

We view physiotherapy not as a compensatory but as a therapeutic tool. Through our hands, we connect with patients on a physical level, aiming to guide them towards the best possible functional recovery using specific clinical reasoning.

All our rehabilitation paths are characterised by both precision as by specificity in the recovery of movement.

How can we help you?

Get in touch with our specialists